The maiden of life and the queen of death Persephone is not
a true Olympian but as the daughter two Elder Olympians and the wife of a third
she is a very powerful and prominent goddess in the ancient Greek
religion. Persephone is the daughter of
Zeus (though there are some hints that in earlier, Mykenean times it may have
been Poseidon who fathered this goddess) and Demeter – the goddess of the
earth’s fertility and distributor of the crops grown from it, though in the
Orphic telling of her birth she is the daughter of Rhea who takes the name
‘Demeter’ after giving birth.
The Iron Queen, the Lady of the Golden Sword and Glorious Fruits, Persephone
is also known by the name Kore which means maiden and refers to her aspect of
the maiden of life and is the name that she was known by before her decent into
the underworld. As the queen of the dead she was known by the name Persephone which
can be broken into two parts; the later seems to be related to the word meaning
‘to show’ and is associated with light while the former part of her name
derives from the word meaning to destroy, making Persephone ‘the destroyer of
The chthonic, or underworld aspect of Persephone is her most
well known, though there seems to be many variations of it. There has been much research of late
indicating that Persephone’s cult and worship can be traced back into Minoan or
even Neolithic times. Some variations of
the myth have Persephone willingly descending into the underworld and reigning
alone over the land of the dead, even in later myths she is sometimes seen as
the sole or at least chief ruler of the kingdom. She is the final judge of
souls (while Minos, Aiakos and Rhadamanthys are judges in the underworld; she is the judge of the underworld) parceling out where souls spend eternity after
death; in the Orphic tradition Persephone is the ruler of reincarnation and
decides weather souls will be placed back onto the wheel of rebirth or pass
into the Blessed Lands.
The most known variation of her myth is her abduction by
Haides. In some versions Demeter
hid her daughter from the eyes of the gods after Hermes, Hephaistos, Apollo and Ares had all
sued for her hand in marriage. Aphrodite was distraught that Persephone’s tendencies
seemed to cause her to follow Artemis, Hestia and Athene in retaining her virginity, keeping her
outside the sphere of Aphrodite’s influence
and she instructs her son Eros to inflict Haides with love for the young
goddess. Persephone had been picking
flowers in the Nysan Field with a group of nymphs (or with Athene and Artemis according to the Homeric variation of the myth) when
Haides burst forth from a chasm in the ground and stole away the goddess taking
her down to the underworld to be his bride.
The poor nymphs who had been accompanying the goddess were turned into
the sirens by the furious Demeter.
In her wanderings while searching for her missing child, Demeter failed to pay attention to the earth and all that
grew withered and died and the earth was covered in winter (though in some
myths the devastation was done in a deliberate attempt to force Zeus
to order Persephone’s return). While in
the shadowy kingdom Persephone ate the seeds of the pomegranate, the food of
Haides and because of this was sentenced to be forever connected to the Great
Below and so while she was freed to return above for most of the year she must
always return below, bringing light and renewal to the barren underworld but
darkness and winter to the earth. In
some of the variations of this myth she eats six seeds sentencing her to half
the year below, others claim four – the four winter months in the Greek year
and still others say seven. It was
thought, in ancient times when autopsies on human bodies were not performed and
information gleaned only form animals that the human uterus had seven lobes; as
well the underworld in the Near Eastern mythologies (which had considerable
influence on the Greek, particularly in this instance the myth of Inanna’s
decent to the underworld) had seven gates thus making it one seed per gate to
death, one seed per gate to life (there are also seven stars in the
constellation Ursa Minor which revolves around the pole star, possibly related to seven celestial
gates as well). There are also remnants
of early marriage rituals in this myth.
In many cultures marriage occurred when a woman was abducted by a man
and taken from her family to his home, (this – abduction – is the ancient
definition of rape which may imply but does necessarily mean a forced sexual
encounter) it is quite possible that this is the origin of the myth, the etiological explanation a
later addition.
It was this story, of Persephone’s perpetual shift between
the worlds that was at the core of one of the most famous mystery cults of the
ancient world – the Elusian Mysteries, in fact the myth was likely played out
for the participants to watch. These
mysteries, which preached eternal life, probably involved the use of a
psychotropic drug, ergot from rye or perhaps an opiate derived from poppies
which were important symbols in the cult.
The brilliantly coloured poppy was processed to
produce a substance used as an anestetic and could, with a lage enough dose,
bring about a painless death. A fitting
flower to represent this goddess.
In most sources Persephone has very few lovers and no
children (though in at least one source Plutus, the god of underground wealth
is called her son, though his mother is usually Demeter making him her half
brother) however in Orphic tradition she is mother to Zagreus, the divine child
who was cannibalized by the titans and reborn as Dionusos. Peiritheus, friend of Theseus who helped the
Athenian king abduct the child Helen of Sparta, had once dared to enter the
underworld in order to abduct Persephone but was prevented by Haides. Aidonus, the Syrian consort of Aphrodite, was one of her lovers, who like
Persephone herself was sentenced to spend four months of every year in the
Persephone shares many characteristics with goddesses within
the Greek pantheon as well as those related to it. The Romans knew her as
Proserpina and the Etruscan goddess Alpanu shares many qualities with her. The
Arkadian version of Persephone was known as Despoine – ‘The Lady’ (her true
name could not be spoken by the uninitiated and like so many of the secrets of
the Mysteries remains lost) and was the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon. Empedocles uses the name Nestis as a byname for Persephone
(as her true name was considered too powerful)
in his list of correspondences with the four classical elements
(attributing water to her while Hera receives earth; Haides, fire; and Zeus,
Persephone and her mother were often considered two aspects
of the same goddess (in much the same was as were Demeter and Rhea) and were referred
to as ‘the Demeters’ or often as ‘the goddesses’. Linear B tablets refer to ‘The Two Queens’ and
many scholars have connected Persephone with the Kretan ‘Mistress of the
Labyrinth as well and possibly was known by the name Ariadne (who in later myth
was mortalized as a princess and became the wife of Dionusos, who in Classical
times was sometimes worshiped as Persephone’s husband and a lord of the
underworld himself.
In Canada we wear poppies in November for Remembrance Day to
honour our fallen veterans. On my altar
sits the poppy from my veteran grandfathers casket, it is for me, a powerful
and fitting symbol of Persephone. In ritual I offer her libations in the name
of my ancestors and through her, I am connected to all those who lived and died
before me.
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